
Very limited spaces via Grand Ave entrance. There is plenty of street parking in the area. We recommend biking or taking public transit whenever possible. If you drive, please do NOT leave anything of value in your vehicle.

If you park on Mandela, please DO NOT BLOCK THE BIKE LANE, and if you park next to it, keep an eye out for bikers when opening your driver’s side doors.

Bicycle Parking

There is outdoor bike parking. Please bring your own u-lock. Bike thefts happen in this area, and when they do they happen mainly to bikes with cable locks.

Public Transportation

NL – serves Lakeshore to SF, stop at Grand and Mandela.
14 – serves Fruitvale to W Oak, stop at 14th and Kirkham.
29 – serves Piedmont to Berkeley, stop at Mandela and Grand.
36 – serves W Oak BART to Berkeley, stop at Adeline and Grand.
BART – any line, stop at West Oakland. 5 min bike ride or 20 min walk.


We are wheelchair accessible.