If you are a new climber or have a few sessions under your belt, we’ve got you. Our Intro to Climbing Class is perfect for the beginner climber.

Intro to Climbing Class
In this one-hour class, you will learn the basic skills needed to start rope climbing: how to secure your harness, tie a figure 8 follow through knot and complete your safety checks. You will also learn how to belay using an ATC belay device, catch a fall and lower your climber back to the ground. After the class, use your newfound skills and climb until your arms give out!

  • This class is required for anyone who has not belayed before or who cannot pass our belay test without assistance.
  • All participants must be 13 or older.
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For those stuck in a rut or looking to accomplish a specific goal in your climbing, look no further! Explore how these tracks can help you become a better boulderer, sport climber, or get you ready for outdoor climbing. Tailor the clinics to fit your adventure and become the climber you have always wanted to be.

Basic Technique: 
This clinic is for people new to climbing who want to get off to the right start. The class will focus on developing movement and techniques that are fundamental to efficient climbing. The instructor will cover balance, route reading, footwork, and more.

Basic Technique

Lead Climbing Clinic:
This clinic is for individuals interested in entering the exciting world of lead climbing! The first session includes fundamental lead climbing skills, such as proper clipping methods, identifying dangerous foot placements, mock leading, mock lead belaying, and rope management.

Lead Climbing Clinic

Anchors Clinic:
Building anchors is a fundamental skill for any outdoor roped climbing. This clinic is designed to prepare you for building bolted top rope anchors for single-pitch routes. Learn how to evaluate hangars and bolts, set up and equalize anchors, and clean anchors.

Anchors Clinic

Make the Jump to V5:
In this TWO-SESSION clinic, you’ll gain a new base fitness level, run through specific movement drills, and be given new tactics for success at higher climbing levels. V5 is just around the corner!

Jump to V5

Make the Jump to 5.12:
In this two-session class, you’ll achieve a new base level of fitness, learn specific movement drills, and gain new strategies for success at higher-level climbing. 5.12 is just around the corner!

Jump to 5.12

Our Access to Climbing (ATC) Program offers discounts on climbing clinics to those on Government Assistance. To learn more please visit our Commitment Programs page.