The Touchstone Climbing Series Rope Finale is this Saturday at Mission Cliffs! Read on to find out 10 fun facts about our comp series!
10. The logo was created by our Graphic Designer.
Heather Campbell, who is the bees knees, created the baller logo and t-shirt design that can be seen on the backs of climbers all over the state, nay the WORLD!! We’ve given out over 2,000 comp t-shirts this year… one for every competitor.

9. We’re trying to make the comp a zero waste event.
All cups will be recycled. All pizza crusts, paper plates and napkins will be composted. Nothing needs to go to the landfill! We’ll have signage up around the gym if you don’t know what goes where.
8. Yes, you need a paper waiver in hand.
Even if you’re a member. Even if you’ve signed an electronic waiver. Everyone gets a new waiver on comp day. You can print one HERE. We’ll also have them avaible on the day of the event.. but if you come prepared we’ll let you skip the line.
7. Your 3-letter comp code is yours forever.
Like a finger print. Or an embarrassing Facebook photo from High School. If you’ve competed in a Touchstone Climbing Competition in the last two years, you have the same 3-letter comp code. If you’ve forgotten it, or if this is your first competition, find it here:

6. 3 overall advanced finalist and 3 finalists the day of the comp will compete in on-sight finals.
You’ve climbed your heart out, now sit back, sip a beer, and watch the big guns compete for cash prizes!
5. Beer will be provided by Strike Brewing.
Our buddies over at Strike will be pouring their tasty brews starting at 4:20pm. For the 21 and under crowd, don’t worry. We’ll have beverages for you to imbibe as well.
4. There will be prizes.
Big ups to BlueWater Ropes, prAna, SoiLL, Maxim Ropes, Five Ten, Evolv, Alite and many more or donating comp prizes. If you climb in the comp and turn in a score card, it becomes your raffle ticket. Stick around till 5pm, and you’ll be in the running to score some sa-WEET shwag.

3. The Access Fund and The American Alpine Club will be there.
As much as we love pulling on plastic, we REALLY love ensuring that our wilderness areas remain as awesome as they can for as long as they can. Stop by their tables to say hello, sign up for a membership, and learn more about how to get involved.
2. It takes 29 routesetters to get the gym ready for the comp.
8 setters on the first day. 13 setters on the second day. And 8 guys on the third day. Our full time routesetting team is the largest in the country, so even during comp week when they are literally resetting an entire gym, satellite crews are maintaining the schedule at other locations. It’s a crazy job but somebody’s gotta do it.

1. The comp is FREE to members and only $10 for guests.
Comps are always free for members because we L-bomb you, for reals. And it’s only $10 for guests, which is the cheapest day pass in existence, because we bet you’re pretty great too. You can RSVP via the ‘book, tell your friends on twitter, or call them on the telephone to invite them. See you Saturday!