Great Western Power Company is no stranger to Bake Sales. The Teen Team has put on hugely successful bake sales in the past, raising money to help the team buy t-shirts and sweatshirts. But this time around, the team has decided to raise money for a different cause.
This year all Bake Sale proceeds will go to help rebuild the village of a fellow GWPC member’s family in Nepal.
Parvati Brown said that when she heard the news that earthquakes had struck Nepal she was in shock. “My dad described the situation in our village confirming that all 70 houses in our village in Badegaun had been destroyed along with the food supplies. The recent 7.3 magnitude earthquake on May 12th has added to the fragility of people trying to over come the impact of the first one. Badeguan is right in the middle of both epicenters and has taken massive hits.”
“I am collecting funds for direct distribution to my family and friends in Badegaun-to help them get through the rainy season as they rebuild their lives from the ground up.”

“News of the earthquake in and of itself was tragic,” said GWPC manager Jeremy Yee. “But when we found out that one of our own was so personally effected, we immediately shared the indigogo link with our members. But we wanted to do more.”
The Bake Sale will be held on June 25th from 5pm-8pm and all proceeds will go directly to Badegaun. Come out to GWPC for a great climbing session, and stay for the tasty treats at a price you can’t say no to! Big thanks to Team Touchstone and everyone who has already supported the campaign!
If you are unable to attend our Bake Sale, you can donate directly to Badeguan.
Donate Here