Now the February is upon us, it’s becoming easier and easier to forget your lofty New Years Resolutions. Ready to keep the momentum going?! Berkeley Ironworks has got you covered! As a reminder of the pure AWESOMENESS that is BIW, the staff is setting up a challenge to help member new and old get the most out of the gym and everything there is to do there. “We got the idea from out sister gym Diablo Rock Gym,” said manager Lyn Barraza. “The DRG challenge model seemed like a great way to encourage new members to explore the gym and have a great time doing it!”
“For those of you who think you’re up for it, prepare yourself to compete with fellow BIW members,” said desk staffer Ryan Moon. “Taking part in this challenge will transform you into the fittest person in the WORLD (East Bay)!”
This event kicked off February 1st, which is why you may have noticed score cards around the gym. With the score card, you can check off challenges in the form of climbing, yoga, cardio, BIW specific fitness classes, along with some fun community challenges to help get to know the gym and the community better.
Ready to get started?
Ask any of the desk staff for a BIW CHALLENGE sheet and get moving! February is almost half way over – but it’s not too late to grab a challenge sheet and see how many challenges you can knock off the list.
Along with finding new ways to push yourself and get in shape, the challenge comes with an added bonus – a sweet T-shirt! Here’s how it works. Each ‘challenge’ is worth a 10 points. Once you reach at least 300 points, you get at T-shirt. Aka: Major BIW street cred.
Once you start racking up the points, you’ll get closer and closer to ‘Camp 2’. Once you complete enough challenges for earn 600 points, let us know and we’ll mark off your milestone.
And for those truly brave and pure of heart, 810 gets you to the summit! Be sure to get your friends to join in and complete the events together. Grab a sheet from the front desk today and let us know how you’re doing on the event page.
Good luck!