More than 50 Bigs and Littles came and enjoyed learning how to climb, belay, and support one another as they challenged themselves to reach the top of the climbing walls. MetalMark staff helped belay and facilitate the fun and even provided a dinner of hot dogs, chips and water.
“The staff was very patient and encouraging to the Littles and took the time to teach some of our Bigs and staff to belay. Some of the Bigs and Little’s were just fine climbing on the bouldering walls, but many surprised themselves by not only climbing – but ringing the bell at the top! It was amazing to walk around the gym and see everyone smiling,” said a coordinator.
Here are some testimonials from Bigs who attended the event:
We had a really wonderful time at MetalMark. I feel it was an amazing confidence builder for the kids, I know my little Jessica was very nervous at first but after she made it to the top and rang the bell and came down you could not believe the smile she had on her face. Jessica went up and down without hesitation 3 or 4 more times. Great Event! – K. Psaila
Both of my Littles had a blast. The staff was AWESOME. They were so helpful & encouraging. What a fun place, Susana said she couldn’t wait to go back. Elvia was soooooo brave and went all the way to the top. Susana went over half way up. They both loved the bouldering wall in the back where they could climb without the harnesses. – M. Bowman
We had a blast! It was an experience we may not have had together if it wasn’t for the generosity of MetalMark and BBBS. Janell was very nervous about climbing because she said she was afraid of heights, but I just encouraged her to try and promised that I would climb as well. Although she struggled and wanted to give up a couple of times, everyone watching her climb kept encouraging her to keep going. She made it to the top and rang the bell! She was so happy and I was very proud of her. It was a great experience and an opportunity for learning. – R. Rafidi
My Little enjoyed the event very, very much! She had not tried something like that before and it was very encouraging to see how proud she was and the staff was of her for reaching the top! Thank you for the opportunity! – J. Carpenter
MetalMark Climbing, along with all Touchstone Climbing gyms, encourage Bigs to join as members of the gym and add their Littles to their account for free. “We set up this program so that Bigs can always have a fun, exciting, and affordable activity to do with their Littles,” said Touchstone’s membership services director, Monica Aranda.
Thank to Big Brothers Big Sisters and to the staff for helping to throw such a successful event! Find out more about BBBS Central Vally and get involved in our community!