Stacks of stones line the trails in Yosemite. Piles of rock often mark the summits of mountains. These groups of rocks, called cairns, are found all over the world, varying in size from small stone markers to enormous conical rock piles.

For climbers, cairns often mark turns in the trail. Cairns are indispensable for finding the descent from Royal Arches at night or getting down from the top of El Capitan. Thanks to the volunteer climbing rangers in Yosemite and crag stewards across the world, cairns can help you get to the base or get down from thousands of climbs.

Since opening in 2002, Diablo Rock Gym’s logo has been a pile of cairns, marking the way to one of the best gyms in the bay area. Currently, Diablo Rock Gym is hosting a challenge to members for them to post their best pictures of cairns on the DRG Facebook Page. A number of great photos have surfaced from around the globe.

Check out the Diablo Rock Gym Facebook Page for the latest great pictures!