Climbing Half Dome for the Wounded Warrior Project

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Memorial Day weekend is a time to remember the soldiers who have given their lives to protect our nation, but why stop there? Various programs focus on supporting our veterans year round. The Wounded Warrior Project dedicates itself to helping soldiers of America’s Armed Forces that have been wounded in war by raising awareness, providing aid and creating programs for returned soldiers.

Screen Shot 2016-06-13 at 3.26.10 PMIn September, three bay area natives, Brian and Dave Santilena and Jimmy Redo will climb the Northwest Face of Half Dome. The 2,000 foot granite wall sits 4700 feet above the Valley floor. First climbed by Royal Robbins, Mike Sherrick, and Jerry Gallwas in 1957, the route is considered a classic in the world and remains an imposing challenge. The team is taking donations to raise money and awareness for the Wounded Warrior Project through their climb.

Brian Santilena, 43,  Dave Santilena, 45, and Jimmy Redo, 45, grew up together in Alameda and became close friends. They were excited about the opportunity to raise awareness about The Wounded Warrior Project, and to be able to climb an amazing granite face in the process.

“Dave and I have never done anything even remotely close to this. Jim is quite experienced and did the route 20 years ago,” said Brian about the climb. The team plans to spend a few nights on the wall, carrying haulbags and bivy gear with them on their ascent. “Having fun, realizing a dream and helping people along the way is what this adventure is all about.”

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Donating as little as 3 cents per foot will help the Wounded Warrior Project immensely. Check out Brian’s page about ways to donate.