On Tuesday, April 26, there will be a bake sale for Great Western Power Company's teen team- the East Betas. The bake sale will be showcasing the baking talents of Berkeley Ironworks manager Lyn Verinsky, hardman sport climber and pastry chef Tony Calvert, and teen team coach and notorious water burner Ryan Moon. There will also be sweet potato pies from Mamie & Makhis and lots of other pies, cookies, and treats from bakeries around the bay area.

The East Beta's on top of the roof at GWPC. The team meets at GWPC every Tuesday from 4-6 pm

Ryan Moon designed this great logo for the teen team. The money from the bake sale will be used to make the team t-shirts.
The bake sale will start at 4pm on Tuesday at GWPC and continue until 8pm. Stop by, support the teen team and get some excellent snacks between climbs!