Helping Cyprus Students Get to the Cliff

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This September, Berkeley Ironworks and The Mountaineering and Nature Sports Club at Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) joined to make climbing a reality for students in the Mediterranean by donating climbing shoes to the program.

climbing shoe donations, Cyprus, climbing

Rose Wong, a BIW gym member for 13 years, and her friend Tugrul Ilter, Club Advisor and Professor at Eastern Mediterranean University, took a dozen pairs of shoes to North Cyprus, the third largest and third most populous island in the Mediterranean.

climbing programs, cyprus, shoe donation

The students used the new foot wear at their gym, a moat climbing wall at the thousand-plus year-old citadel in Famagusta, where EMU is located. Just outside of the city are beautiful limestone crags with traditional and sport climbs. The temperate weather allows travelers and locals to enjoy the over three hundred routes on the island. Itler plans on taking the students to these crags soon.shoe donation, climbing, cyprus

We’re happy to be able to donate climbing gear to programs that promote a healthy lifestyle through climbing!