It was a day like any other East Bay summer day…skies gray with fog and cold weather clothing abound. There was something different about this day though. More than just the marine layer in the air was the smell of cookies, pies, cakes…and climbing shoes.

BIW’s teen team, The Flash Mob, kicked booty baking goods and getting donations from local companies, Sweet Adeline and The Cookie Department, to raise money for shirts and sweatshirts printed with their team logo. The team had full support from their amazing coaches, Ben Steel, Jessica Wan, and Dani Kottman. Steel had this to say about the event:

“The Iron Monkeys’ bake sale was MEGA-MONKEY-MADNESS…IRON-MONKTASTIC…IRON-STRONG…NO-MONKEY-BUSINESS.” The success in these fun get-togethers can really only be measured in L-O-V-E… The Flash Mobs have been around since 2005 and are still going strong.

The team and its lovely coaches would like to give a HUGE shout out to not just the businesses that donated goods, but all the incredibly generous members that made the sale such a great success. Expect to see these kiddos crushing your projects in their new gear by early fall!
The Flash Mob meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4pm to 6pm. Stop by and check out the great team! If you’re teen is interested in joining the team this year, call the gym or stop by for practice.