By Jason Bove
By now, if you haven’t found that there is more than one sentimental bone in our bodies…
Meet Daph and Josh! A feeling of joy overcomes me, as the words of this interview flow through the internets. Two dynamic people…with two distinct stories, have become one tremendous couple that YOU, the reader, are able to get to know more. I am happy today, to be able to tell you a tale of a couple of climbers that found a happiness in each others differences. Honest answers, multiple course meals, and a belay from a friend, indeed.
Member of the Month: Couple Edition – Daphne & Josh Leachman

Bove) You can have 3 people over for dinner, living or dead. Who would be at the table? What meal would you prepare for them? Why?
Daph) I would invite Sheryl Sandberg, author of Lean In; a leader who inspires other women to use their voice and stand up for themselves.
Josh) I would invite my maternal Grandfather. I never had a chance to meet him, but I am told he was a character – think tall banker who knew everyone in the Bronx.
Daph & Josh) Our 3rd guest, John Stewart. We need to bring some levity into the conversation. The meal would be a bit of a blend of each of us. Daph, being French, would pull from her family’s culinary traditions. Josh, being from a ranching family, would be stuck on smoker duty. We would go to the farmer’s market – buy fresh produce, some slabs of meat, and great bottles of wine. Time would fly, but the meal would last 5 hours and have many courses!

B) Please finish this sentence, “The couple that _______________ together, stays together.”
Daph about Josh: “The couple that can belay each other, without tension, and tons of patience and support, stays together.” (This actually does not exist. Really – it does not. We now have a rule that significant others cannot belay each other. Follow this rule – you will be happier.) For real, “The couple that can be honest, tender, and accepting with each other, stays together.”
B) If you had to describe each other in 2 words, which words would you choose? Why?
Daph about Josh)Funny and caring.
Josh about Daph)Driven and resourceful.

B)When you are having a particularly rough day, what helps you change your mood?
Daph & Josh) Laughing with friends (and a cold drink).
B)If we lived in a “perfect” world, how would people communicate differently?
Daph)Face to face.
Josh)Drop all electric devices and grab a drink with someone. Listen and speak openly.

B)You now have 2 celebrity parents, what famous people are they? Why?
Daph) Liam Neeson would be my Father. He’s a badass and would protect me. Daila Ojeda would be Mother. I would get her genes (She’s beautiful and a badass climber).
Josh) Russell Crowe would be my Father. Tough to beat the combo of Beautiful Mind and Gladiator. Lynn Hill would be my Mom. Of course, she is a tremendous climber, but she seems very genuine as well – a great ambassador for the sport of climbing.
B)Where in the world would we be if we were in your happy place?
Daph & Josh) Sleeping in the back of the truck after a great day climbing.
B)What qualities do you find to be most attractive in each other? Why?
Daph) Josh always knows how to make me laugh.
Josh) Daph’s smile. When she’s laughing, her smile melts me. Plus, her lips rock!
B) If you can travel back in time, what year of your life would you live again?
Daph) Summers in France at my Grandmother’s house. It was the nucleus of the family. All my cousins, aunts, and uncle would get together for the weekend. Those memories are priceless.
Josh) Living in Montana. Going to work with my Dad on the ranch. I took that period of my life for granted. Those times were special.
B) In the future, we most look forward to _______________?
Daph & Josh) Seeing our kids grow up together!