Every year during the last week of April, Clovis holds an annual rodeo. Cowboys and cowgirls come from across the country to compete in various contests from lasso tossing to the exciting sport of bull riding. This year, MetalMark decided to hold their own rodeo- The MetalMark Roundup!

The roundup started at 3 pm with a game of horseshoes. Soon after that came a test of stength as four teams battled against each other in a serious game of tug of war.

The highlight of the event was the bull riding. Phillip created a “bull” and members were challenged to ride the beast for a lifetime of 8 seconds. Over 20 people took up the challenge of battling the beast, often with a pretty comical outcome.
The festivites included barbequing lots of hamburgers, veggie burgers, and hot dogs. The first annual Roundup was a huge success and over 100 people stopped by for the fun. Stay in touch with all the exciting events happening at MetalMark. And make sure to practice your bullriding for next year!