During our March Matching Campaign, we encouraged our members and guest to join the Access Fund or donate to help raise money for this invaluable organization. We set aside $10,000 to match contributions from the public, and hit the streets to get the word out!

“Fundraising within the gym allows us to raise the awareness of all our members about climbing-related issues, even those who don’t yet climb outdoors, but are inspired by those who do,” said Berkeley Ironworks Manager Lyn Barraza. “By not only donating money directly, as Touchstone often does with little fanfare, but getting our members involved, the community learns about these organizations and why it’s important to get involved.”
The Access Fund’s educational work is a vehicle for building the capacity of individual climbers and local climbing organizations, empowering them to protect the lands they climb on. We happy to see the work that they are doing right our own backyard. Check out some of the work they’ve been doing locally to get an idea of where the money will be headed.
The Access Fund policy arm has strongly advocated for climber-friendly policies as the National Park puts together the Merced River Plan. They give a unified voice to climbers’ concerns and interests, without which the plan would have been distinctly less climber friendly.
AF collaborates and supports the local climbing group and in 2014 signed a MOU with the Inyo National Forest to make the legendary Buttermilk Boulders Toilet a reality.
In 2010, Access Fund secured a permanent conservation and recreation easement for Jailhouse keeping climbing open for perpetuity.
Access Issues
The Access Fund is instrumental in supporting local organizations and their efforts to keep local climbing areas open. For example, they worked to get year-round raptor closures changed to a seasonal closure allowing climbing at Summit Rock . They also worked closely with the Truckee Donner Land Trust to protect climbing in the Donner Summit Area of Tahoe.
National Work
With their grants, Access Fund Land Conservation Campaign loans, climber education efforts and lobbying efforts, the Access Fund heavy lifting to make sure climbers’ interests are protected and our voices are heard. They have had a hand in protecting many of our favorite climbing areas: Indian Creek, Joe’s Valley, Hueco Tanks. If there is climbing, the Access Fund is ready to provide support.
Huge thank you to everyone who donated – keep an eye out for an exclusive invitation to a Thank You party!