Whether daytime or night, blazing hot or ice cold in the gym, most likely you will find our next member with his signature hooded sweatshirt on. He is a husband, father, pet owner, friend, and far too many other titles to mention in an introductory paragraph. When it comes to life advice, I can say that Philip has shared many great words and phrases to serve as a model for our own existence. He is a staple of the community, and is always more than generous with his donations of Blue Diamond almonds in exchange for old ropes that he uses for teaching purposes. Today, Sacramento Pipeworks is proud to introduce you to Philip Wilbur.
Member of the Month: Philip Wilbur

Bove) Are you a Sacramento native, and what are some of your favorite things about living here in the valley?
Wilbur) Yes, I was born here is 1959. The house I grew up in is located on 14th and P. The diversity of the people, and the proximity to everything within 2 hours are some of my favorite things about living here.
B) How and when did you come to the Pipeworks family?
W) I was looking for a gym for my son Stefan as a place to train for Rugby. I started coming with him and have never stopped.
B) What is a typical workout regimen while at the gym?
W) Cardio, and weights. Plus, I do like to talk, and Pipeworks has the most interesting people I have ever met.
B) You have told me before, “I are not a climber”. I recently noticed that your son, Stefan, started climbing. Does this mean that you are going to try climbing too? Why or why not?
W) A few of the older climbers have asked more than once for me to try climbing. At some point I will. I really respect the supportive culture of climbing, however, I have not seen a lot of 280 pound climbers. In fact, watching some of the climbers on the practice walls makes my fingers hurt.
B) Do you have a family pet? What is the name, and how does it add to your quality of life?
W) Yes! We have a Terrier mix named Meggie. She is a part of the family (our pets have always been). I enjoy my interaction, walks, watching her dig, chasing after gophers- complete focus and effort. Take your spouse and dog, lock them in the car for 3 hours; which one jumps up and licks your face when you let them out? You have got to love those pups!
B) You always have a positive outlook on situations. How do you maintain your optimistic outlook despite the challenges of being human?
W) Great meds! No, I was blessed with a mother who had the ability to “connect” with people, and I feel I have some of that in me. She always told me to treat people with respect. “Be like a ship as you pass through life. Make sure your wake pushes those it encounters towards their destination, not capsize them.” Life is too short to worry about the score- you miss the game!

B) What do you do for a living, and how did you get into this line of work?
W) By day, I am the Chiller Team Technical Lead (working on large tonnage HVAC) for Johnson Controls (JCI) here in town. My team services central utility plants in NorCal (KP, ATT, Raging Wire, Verizon, Blue Diamond, UCDMC). I have been doing the job for 37 years. At night, I am an instructor for the Pipefitters/Plumbing local where I teach HVAC, Industrial Rigging, Signalmen Certification and OSHA 10/30. Come September, I will have also done that for 30 years. As far as getting into the trade…my friend was going to school at SCC, and I was taking classes to become a chemical engineer. One day, I went to wait for him at his building and ended up talking to the TA. Next thing, I dropped all of my other classes and signed up for the MET program. It was Fall of 1977, and I now sit on the advisory board of that program.

B) As a benefactor of local art, how do you express your own creativity?
W) I am truly challenged to draw, paint, sing, play an instrument, anything creative…period. I appreciate and admire those that can, and if possible, I will help an artist with logistics.
B) Where can we most likely find you when you are not at home or work?
W) Believe it or not, here at Pipeworks!

B) Indoors or outdoors…which do you prefer best?
W) A little of both. My work sometimes affords me time outside on a roof for 12 hours on a 105 degree day (not a pleasant day, but outside). I enjoy being wherever I am at.