If you have lived in Sacramento or ANY big city for long enough, you will eventually realize that homelessness is a real issue. While some spend time complaining about the problems that arise from lack of housing, others are working hard to find solutions. In fact, the River District is where many people come in search of a helping hand. Some of the city’s main resources for the underemployed and under-housed are located here.

You must have a documented disability; mental health, substance abuse, HIV or AIDS.” If these prerequisites are met, and you commit to staying sober, you will be provided transitional living. Since opening in 2001, Sacramento Pipeworks has provided Quinn residents with heavily discounted or free access to the gym.
Women’s Empowerment is another on the list of the River District’s neighborhood heroes. “The mission of Women’s Empowerment is to educate and empower women who are homeless with the skills and confidence necessary to get a job, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and regain a home for themselves and their children,” said founder Lisa Culp.
Like Quinn Cottages, Women’s Empowerment also has a high success rate: “In 2014, 89% of women regained a safe home for their children and 88% of women secured a job or enrolled in school or job training”.
For more than 10 years, Women’s Empowerment groups have visited Sacramento Pipeworks every week, completely free of charge. We are pleased to be a small part of the many success stories this organization has created. Like many others, Sacramento Pipeworks is proud to have found a home in the River District and conveniently located adjacent to the aforementioned organizations.
In the last 10 years, I have personally witnessed many transformations in the area and have been lucky enough to see multiple people change their lives. Through community outreach programs, we are able to provide services to those that may not be able to otherwise enjoy the gym. We are proud to have Quinn Cottage residents and Women’s Empowerment as members of our community!
By Jason Bove