By Ting Chin.
Here at Mission Cliffs, we love it when our neighbors drop by for a visit. We were especially happy to get a recent visit from Tricia’s middle schoolers from down the street over at St. Peter’s Catholic School.

Wow look at that nice form! Natalie reflected, “I was surprised that I was strong enough to climb the levels that I did…I like the harder challenges because they are the most fun.”
St. Peter’s has been serving Mission District families for more than 140 years, and with the help of generations of benefactors, they have the lowest tuition among all San Francisco Archdiocesan schools.
St. Peter’s has been serving Mission District families for more than 140 years, and with the help of generations of benefactors, they have the lowest tuition among all San Francisco Archdiocesan schools. The school owes its longevity in many ways to the community of people around them who care about the school.

St. Peter’s reached out to us last summer and has been bringing students to Mission Cliffs every Friday as part of the school’s elective program. The school’s mission to nurture the whole child—academically, physically, spiritually, emotionally—leads the teachers to look for opportunities to vary their students’ learning experiences. For example, many of the electives have been physical: rock climbing, yoga, dance. Tricia says, “We see our time at Mission Cliffs as a chance to develop strengths of both mind and body.” Some other electives that have been offered are podcasting, debate, comic book making, and coding.
“We see our time at Mission Cliffs as a chance to develop strengths of both mind and body.”
She continues, “The most exciting thing for us teachers is to witness is the encouragement and support that our students give to each other when their peers are trying new climbs or taking risks. They are always ready to celebrate each other’s accomplishments!”

Briana was psyched, “I love rock climbing because I’ve learned how to do different holds, like slopes. I’m also really proud of myself for doing things that are really hard, like finishing a 5.10d!”

St. Peter’s is always looking for extra belay partners during their Friday visits, so please get in touch if you’re available to help out!
There are also many opportunities for community members to come and teach an elective or share their talents and time with the students of St. Peter’s. For more information, please visit