Last Friday the 2015 season of the Touchstone Climbing Series continued at Diablo Rock Gym in Concord. We had 273 climbers turn in score cards, and many more came out to cheer on their fellow competitors and enjoy the atmosphere of the comp.

As is customary at TCS comps, we had pizza for all competitors and Strike Brewing Co. came up from San Jose to pour tasty recovery beverages for the 21 and older crowd. If you took photos at the comp – be sure to tag them on Instagram with #touchstoneclimbingseries for a chance to snag a sweet prize now that the comp is over!
To check your scores from Friday’s comp – click here.

Never been to a Touchstone Climbing Competition before? You haven’t missed your chance… The TCS is a 10 month long, friendly and fun competition series that tours each of our climbing gyms and brings with it a flurry of activity. The comps are $10 for guests, and free for members.

Each competitor registers under beginner, intermediate, or advanced. We recommend registering in a category that you can comfortably climb, since if the excitement of the competition environment makes you totally crush – you’ll be automatically bumped into a higher category. Do your best!

In a ropes comp, you’ll have 3 attempts to complete the climb without weighting the rope. Your belayed will initial your best score, and at the end of the night when you turn in your score sheet the staff will total up your 5 best scores to determine your overall score. Easy!
Next months comp is at The Studio Climbing – be sure to come out and enjoy the party with us!