A stunning photo by long time Mission Cliffs member Jeff Rueppel has been selected for the final round in the 8th Annual Rock and Ice / Mammut Photo Contest.

Deep in the Valley of the Kings, the Arrowhead, a massive detached flake leaning against the main wall, hides the wide beauty of Firewater Chimney (5.10b), and some of the best rock at Joshua Tree. Protected by an odiously long and scrambly approach up Rattlesnake Canyon, this outstanding climb sees few suitors but rewards all those who make the passage.
The climber in the photo is John Elliot, also a Mission Cliffs member. “I got the shot from a fixed line rigged from the anchors above and looking back into the chimney that John is climbing. The whole thing is one big gorgeous detached flake,” said Rueppel. In this photo, also by Rueppel, you see the entire feature.

‘Cleaved out of orange granite. A line to make climbers go all wobbly in the knees. And a super beautiful pitch requiring some tolerance of suddenly pinballing back down the way you came up. I hiked out Rattlesnake Canyon to take a look at it, have a go, and make a few photos. So worth the journey!” said Rueppel.
Take a moment to vote for this awesome shot on the Rock and Ice photo contest page! We’re so proud to have such talent at our gyms!
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