That’s right people. It’s finally happening. We are pleased, proud, and pumped to announce that our long awaited expansion has an end in sight. We are finalizing construction plans and are set to open our expansion in Fall 2014. As you might know, we have been around since 2001, and since then our gym community has grown. It’s time we grew with it! We will be adding a HUGE bouldering area along with increasing space for CrossFit Pipeworks. Here are the nitty gritty bouldering details you’ve been waiting for. We’ll cover our CrossFit expansion plans in our next blog post.
The bouldering area will be 9,000 sq ft, which more than triples the current bouldering space at Pipeworks. “We will be working with Walltopia to build the walls,” said Sr Touchstone Manager Jeffery Bowling. “We’ve worked with them to build or expand four of our gyms in the last 2 years, and we couldn’t be happier with their product.”
The bouldering area will include 17 ft tall walls, top out boulders, cracks, and a training area complete with a hydraulic systems wall. “This bouldering expansion will make downtown Sacramento a destination,” said Touchstone Marketing Director Lauryn Claassen.
All this will fit in the building on the west side of the existing gym. The current bouldering area will be demolished and a hallway will be constructed so that members and guests can still check in at the front desk. The old bouldering area will be turned into multi-purpose training area – a place for calisthenics, slack line, rings, etc. The weight room will not move, but it will get a slight expansion when we move the current stretching area. “It’s pretty exciting,” said Pipeworks manager Vaughn Medford. “Bouldering has exploded in the last 10 years. We have seen the demand for world class bouldering grow at our gym, so the expansion makes perfect sense.”
How good looking are these walls?! Our design team has been working with Walltopia to bring something truly special to Sacramento. So get used to big changes dear Pipeworks members – this Fall is going to be one for the books! Stay tuned for the play by play and more details about our progress.