Here’s an example of when it’s actually a good idea to build a wall… Cliffs of Id! We’re excited to announce that we’re wrapping up construction of our rope climbing area at our Culver City climbing gym. Want the July FAQs?
You got it.
I’ve been bouldering a ton at Cliffs of Id, but I can’t shake the sneaking suspicion that something else is going on. What’s happening behind that huge white curtain?
Your powers of observation astound us. We’re adding rope climbing to the already off-the-charts levels of awesomeness that vibrate out of this gym on the regular. “The plan was always to build a full-service climbing/bouldering/yoga/fitness mecca,” said Manager Remi Moehring. “Our rope walls are the last piece of the puzzle!”

Oh, so you’re putting up some rope walls? That’s neat.
Not just some rope walls dear reader! 15,000 sq ft of amazing rope climbing terrain. To get an idea of the size, picture a 1000 sq ft room… and the multiply that by 15! Augh!
You want steep terrain? We got steep terrain. You want delicate slab? Ohhh, we’ve got delicate slab. You want a little bit of both?
Don’t get greedy….
Pssyyychhhh! We’ve got a little bit of everything. After raising the roof and lowering the floor, we were able to build walls up to 40 ft high, which will make Cliffs of Id one of the tallest rope walls in the area.
Will there be cracks?
A straightforward question deserves a straightforward answer; YES! There are 9 different crack systems in the gym of varying width. So whether you’re practicing ring locks or chicken wings, we’ve got you covered.

We’re all adults here. You deserve the facts. We don’t have an exact date, but here’s what needs to happen: The rope walls built, and so now it’s on to the flooring. And don’t forget about route setting! Realistically we’re still over a month away, but we are getting close!
I’d like to really step up my training game. What new and exiting things do you have for me?
Boy-oh-boy are you in luck. We are happily building systems walls at Cliffs of Id, where you’ll be able to spend hours training your heart out. The training room is located next to the yoga studio. Take a peek the next time you’re at the gym!

I’m very excited, but I’ve never rope climbed before. Where do I start?
Never fear. Once we’ve completed construction and opened our rope area, we’ll offer daily Intro to Climbing Classes, where you’ll learn how to use the gear and belay and lower your partner. This class will be free to members! We’ll also have rental gear if you’re dabbling in the art of rope climbing, and gear to buy in our pro shop once you realize you’re hooked.
Keep your eyes peeled for daily updates on our progress!