We encouraged our Facebook followers to think outside the box last week and create Haiku poems about the Cliffs of Id. The gym, located in Culver City is currently under construction, but our ever-enthusiastic future-members jumped at the chance to submit three line, 5-7-5 syllabled poems. We received many amazing entries (some with a better grasp of what a syllable means than others) and boiled it down to 5 of our very favorites. The winners will receive a Cliffs of Id T-shirt.

We should note that we made the request for these Haikus on a Tuesday.. but when we pointed that out poet Eric Chad Ho revealed that it felt like a Monday with him. So much melancholy! So poetic. Also the first to submit. Eric – we’re sending you a shirt to cheer you up. May every day feel like a Tuesday to you!
And to answer your question; we’re hoping for a late summer / early fall opening date. We are currently building the bouldering walls, and getting ready to raise the roof for the roped section of the gym. If you’d like to see how the progress is going, check out our Open House. It’s coming up on Monday, April 20th from 6pm-9pm.

Yeah yeah, the photo we paired with Kim Ju’s excitement for climbing… is a yoga picture. But wont it be great to be able to stretch out those hunched climbing shoulders with a little vinyasa? Cliffs of Id will have a yoga studio, along with fitness programming space. A little flexibility will go a loooong way. Kim – we’re sending you a shirt! Hope that makes your heart race too!

Ahhh the self deprecating poet. Poking fun at the finer points of bro-lerdering makes us giggle. Good one James Park. You’re getting a shirt, but we should probably start making Cliffs of Id beenies so you’ll actually wear it.

Twi Florido, we love your confidence. It’s that kinda of faith that makes our brand manager weak in the knees. Maybe you’ve climbed at LA Boulders or any of our other gyms? Or been scoping Touchstone Climbing’s vibe on the interwebs? We’re psyched you’re psyched, and we’re gonna send a T-shirt to fan the fire!

Simple. To the point. Overflowing with fan-boy excitement.. and then… Refrigerator. Excellent use of a 5 syllable word by Ryan Cataldo. We’re pretty happy to be able to answer the age old question, what should we do tonight in Culver City..? You should climb! At a place filled with people who write haikus about a gym that isn’t even open yet! Obvi.