So you’ve been climbing for a while…
You’re in the gym a couple of times a week. You’ve managed to wrangle a handful of reliable climbing partners. You’ve downsized your shoes, and a photo of you crushing your project has become your profile pic.
Everything is going great.. and then suddenly you hit… a plateau.
When you first start climbing, improvements come easily. You learn that using your feet is actually really helpful… and BAM! You’re climbing a grade harder. You learn to backstep… and WHAM! You’re crushing your projects left and right. But inevitably you will reach a grade that you just can’t seem to break through… and that’s where we come in.
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Señor Einstein had it right. If you’re ready to kick it up a notch, why not check out our new Kickstart Your Climbing Clinic? In this 4-week clinic, you’ll meet once a week in a small group with staff member Josh Foster to go over climbing technique, power circuits, and conditioning.

Josh has been climbing since before you had a Facebook account, and coaching National level youth champions at Sacramento Pipeworks for over 5 years.
“I’m excited to be teaching this month long clinic to help build fitness and overall body strength for climbing. After meeting once a week, each participant will leave with a tailored workout plan to help tackle their weaknesses and break through their plateaus.”

And if all that wasn’t enough, this class will also help you meet new climbing partners. “Our 4-week clinics are a great way to become a part of our community,” said Manager Vaughn Medford. “It’s a blast to see the same faces each week and get to know new members a bit better.”
The next session begins on Thursday, April 14th.
Kickstart Your Climbing Clinic
Members: $100
Non-members: $150
Book Here