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Soccer Without Boarders at Berkeley Ironworks

When soccer people talk vertical it is mostly about getting under the ball and sending it high and as far down field as possible. This winter Soccer Without Borders went vertical a different way at Berkeley Ironworks. Teamwork, trust, leadership and fun were the goals and we hit scored a bunch in January, February and […]

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Best Boutique Gyms And Fitness Studios In LA

Published in CBS Los Angeles You’ve only got one body to live in, so treat it like the temple that it is. We’ve rounded up a variety of the top spots in LA that can help you up the ante in your health and fitness game. Located in the burgeoning Arts District adjacent to The […]

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Project Reach at MetalMark Climbing

For some, climbing is a passing hobby. A great instagram shot and nothing more. For others it can offer a huge support system. At MetalMark in Fresno, climbing is helping to change the lives of local students and keep them in school. Twice a week, a group of inner-city high school students climb at MetalMark. […]

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Upcycling Ropes from Mission Cliffs

We always jump at the chance to help out local schools and encourage fun ways to stay active. Mission Cliffs and the Touchstone Route Setters donated some old climbing rope, and it went to a great cause! We just received this Thank You note from one of the teachers: Instead of chocolate candy parties on […]

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ROCKING OUT – Climbing to new heights at Dogpatch Boulders

Published by PureWow For us, “bouldering” (a.k.a. rock climbing without a rope) usually conjures up images of dull slabs of granite, thoughts of granola bars…and visions of plummeting to our death. That all changed when we stepped foot inside Dogpatch Boulders. For starters, the new climbing facility is awash in a veritable rainbow: The undulating […]

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Steven Roth & Ethan Pringle Go Big

Published in Dead Point Magazine. Written by Anthony Lampomardo Touchstone Climbing is proud to support Ethan Pringle as an athlete and all around guy. We were elated and awed to see Steven Roth, a Touchstone coach, and Ethan claim the 3rd and 4th ascents of Alex Honnold’s highball Too Big to Flail in Bishop, California’s […]

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5 Ways to Sweat with Your Sweetheart on Valentine’s Day

Published in Racked SF. Written by Robyn Hagan Cain. Some people fret about the perfect outfit and the perfect dinner and the perfect everything for Valentine’s Day, and are sorely disappointed when the day itself fails to live up to their expectations. Luckily, there are some creative alternatives to dinner for active couples in the […]

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Rock Climbing in the Arts District

Published in Downtown News. Written by Donna Evans. Harmony Smith loves a good problem. Standing atop a 14-inch thick crash pad, the 27-year-old scanned a chalk-dusted wall flecked with orange, blue and yellow tape aligned with myriad hand and footholds. She zeroed in on her path and stepped off the ground, beginning a stretching, grinding […]

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Mission Cliffs Featured in Olympics Commercial

We were proud to see Mission Cliffs climbers appear in this Chevy commercial that aired during the Olympics! “While several Olympic sponsors have spoken out against Russia’s restrictions on gay rights ahead of the Sochi Winter Games, Chevrolet is rolling out two ads during the U.S. broadcast of the opening ceremony on Friday that feature […]

Kids Rock Climbing in Sacramento
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Kids Climbing at Sacramento Pipeworks

Origionally Published in Sac City Sports. Do your kids climb the walls during the weekends in search of adventure?  I know mine certainly do!  And so when I discovered the Weekend Kids Belay at Sacramento Pipeworks, I was thrilled. During kids belay, your kids can rock climb under the guidance of a climbing professional. Weekend Kids Belay is […]