BORP Revolution Ride

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Interested in taking part in an amazing ride for a great cause with the Touchstone Cycling community? Here is your chance! The BORP Revolution Ride, on October 6, is not to be missed.

Touchstone Climbing has been a sponsor and supporter of the Bay Area Outreach and Recreation Program for several years. This non-profit organization provides children and adults with physical disabilities access to sports and outdoor recreational activities. This includes wheelchair basketball, handcycling, goal ball for the visually impaired, power soccer, and many other sports. They also experience the great outdoors in and around the Bay Area. It’s truly a great organization that has served thousands of people with physical disabilities for over 30 years. We are proud to be a part of this well established program.

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This year we will again have the Geyser Experience and the Geyser-Pine Flat Challenge. The Geyser Challenge is a 50 mile loop of the infamous Geysers. It is truly an amazing route with virtually no cars, beautiful scenery, and some awesome climbs. The Geyser-Pine Flat Challenge is a 100k route that climbs through a wildlife sanctuary after the Geysers. There are also shorter routes through the Dry Creek valley.

In addition, we have included a fun 40 mile tour of the wine country. So, there is something for all levels of riders! This year Touchstone is happy to give $150 to the first 25 Touchstone riders to help meet their minimum individual fundraising goals of $400. You only have to raise $250 for an amazing ride and great food and drink. To learn more about the event and to register visit the REVOLUTION RIDE. When you register, select Touchstone Climbing in the team field.

Please join us at the 2012 BORP Revolution Ride. It’s for a great cause!