TCS Comp at LA Boulders

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It’s that time again! The Touchstone Competition Series, aka #TCS2016, comes to LA Boulders in el corazon de Los Angeles this Saturday! The comp kicks off a three-month competition series held at LA Boulders, Hollywood Boulders, and Cliffs of Id.

All levels and all ages are welcome to come out and compete! That means YOU! Never been to a Touchstone Climbing Comp? Never fear! Here is a handy 3 step guide to the best Saturday ever.


1. Know what you’re in for

FUN! Seriously. While some people might hear the word ‘competition‘ and get S.A.T. nerves, tranquillo amigo! Putting on Touchstone Comps’ is our way of saying thank to our members for being awesome. This is a FREE event for Touchstone members. Guests pay ONLY $20. (Which is a screamin’ deal.)

The party, er, we mean comp, starts at noon and ends at 5pm. You can stop in any time and your friendly neighborhood desk staffer will welcome you with open arms.

When you register, you’ll pick up a score card in beginner, intermediate or advanced categories, and self-score your own climbing as the day goes on. Sure, you need a witness, but that’s what your spotter is for!

BoulderingTCS2016 (1)

Again, YOU pick your category. And don’t sweat this either. Say you’re being modest, and you register in beginner. But then you have an out-of-body-CRUSHING-experience and send some v4’s. NBD homie. You’ll be bumped into intermediate and go home a happy camper.

Once you’ve climbed your brains out, the REAL party starts. Everyone in attendance gets an awesome T-shirt, pizza, and beer. (21+, duh) There will be raffle prizes, music, photos and all your favorite people.

What did we tell you?! FUN!

2. Come prepared 

Don’t worry. It’s not that hard. If you ignore this step and skip right to #3, we’ll still be psyched to see you…. we’ll just send you to the back of the line.

To get a score card, you need a 3 letter Touchstone Comp Code. To get a Touchstone Comp Code, you need to register. You can do that here. It’s going to look like this:

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If you’ve been to ANY Touchstone Climbing Comp in the past 4 years, then you’re already registered! If you came to the Grand Opening Sha-Bang, you already have a code and are already registered! Click ‘Lookup’ to find your 3 letter code. If this is your first time, don’t worry. Click on ‘Register’ and it will be over before you know it.

Now’s the tricky part. You’ve got to remember the code, or all this was for naught. If only there was a piece of paper that you needed to bring to the comp anyways that you could write the code on, as to not forget it……

Thank goodness for the waiver. Print it here. Fill is out. Write that code somewhere we can find it and BAM! You’re ready to go.

3. Invite all your friends

Seriously, how bummed are your buddies gonna be when they see their feed blowing up with photos of you having the time of your life and you didn’t invite them. It’s an awkward and avoidable conversation to have. Let the people know! RSVP to the event on the ‘book. Post a photo. Hashtag #TCS2016. Call them on the telephone. Fax them on a floppy disk while you go for the high score on your Atari. Do whatever it takes.

 See you Saturday!