If you’ve been thinking about joining our community – here’s your chance to do it on the cheap!
In honor of Touchstone Climbing’s 20th Anniversary, we’re offering a $20 initiation fee special. That’s right! Save beaucoup bucks this week at any Touchstone Climbing Gym, and get free addmision to our Anniversary Parties on Friday, October 2nd.
Not sure you’re ready to take the plunge? Here are some perks you’ll enjoy as a Touchstone Climbing member.
- Free Intro to Climbing Class including all necessary climbing gear
- 1 Free Guest Pass each month. Plus, an extra guest pass on the 4th Friday of each month.
- Reciprocal use of all 9 Touchstone Gyms.
- Discounts in our Pro Shop. Get 15% off the beginner climbing package as well as 10% off any purchase over $75.
- Free competitions and events. Touchstone competitions are not to be missed! We consider comps’ to be a great way to thank our members for their support by setting great routes, handing out tons of prizes, and providing free food and drinks. Block Party + Climbing = Awesome.
- Discounts on Personal Training sessions and Climbing Clinics.
- Discounts on Kids Summer Camps and After-School Camps.