To celebrate Touchstone’s 20th Anniversary on October 2nd, this month we’re taking a walk down memory lane. Long before The Studio Climbing was Downtown San Jose’s premier indoor climbing gym, there was Touchstone San Jose. Art Balaoro shared some of his memories from this gym that closed in 2009.
Oh man… There are so many memories, I wouldn’t know where to start. It was because of that gym, that I was able to meet people who became some of the most influential figures in my personal climbing history, and who have helped shaped the way I climb, and the way I view climbing, as a sport, a lifestyle, and a passion.
I recall my first two weeks as Front Desk staff, which at the time, I had no idea, would set the foundation for many other roles in my 15 year involvement in the climbing gym industry. I recall the first three Boulder problems I set, that would set the precedent for thousands more to follow…

I remember the 8-hour bouldering sessions with fellow staffers, who would later become some of my closest confidants and friends. We were always trying to “get stronger”, but little did we know, it wasn’t our climbing that was getting stronger, but our friendships.
I remember, for better or for worse, Ryan Moon’s playlists.
I remember summoning up the courage to talk to the hot blonde in the gym. Funny how in hindsight, I had a similar feeling in the pit of my stomach when I knelt down on one knee and asked the same woman, Alana Fremgen Balaoro, 8 years later, to be my wife.

I remember the awkward, but hilarious looks on the faces of pedestrians along The Paseo, as they glared into “The Fishbowl”, trying to figure out exactly what was inside…
What exactly was inside, sometimes feels indescribable with words. Only feelings. I recall the last day the doors closed, forcing me to explore climbing beyond those walls, and later, learning so much more about the world of climbing, and about myself. What an awesome gym – what it lacked in amenities, it more than made up for in community. Happy 20th Touchstone!
If you have memories from the past 20 years of Touchstone Climbing, let us know! Send your stories and photos to [email protected]