Junior Lifeguards at LA Boulders

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This summer LA Boulders hosted a group of young crushers from the LA Junior Lifeguards, a program run by the LA Department of Recreation and Parks. They arrived bright and early on a Thursday morning and took to the walls like a… Junior Lifeguard takes to water!
LA Boulders Outreach
Since the Junior Guards have a yoga basics component to their program, LA.B was able to set them up with their Acro Yoga instructor, Casey. She got them warmed up, stretched out, and flying in no time! The kids were able to act as both “flyers” and “bases” in acrobatic yoga poses, and work together and in teams to build trust and strength.
IMG_3672The Junior Guards spent the rest of the time learning technique and movement from their climbing instructor Joe.
“They had a lot of heart, Joe said. “Towards the end, a few of us were gathered around a tough overhung V2. I watched them try it over and over again, gave beta where they needed it, but mostly just enjoyed their determination and spirit! I gathered from talking with them and their chaperones that climbing with us was a pretty unique opportunity for them. I’m grateful I got to be a part of that experience, and I’d climb with any of them again in the future!”
For more information on the Junior Lifeguards program, visit www.LAparks.org