Willow Glen High Visits The Studio

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Climbing is awesome! You know it, we know it, the American People know it. That’s why whenever we have the opportunity to share our amazing climbing space with folks who wouldn’t ordinarily have the chance, we are all in. Recently, The Studio was able to host some students from Willow Glen High School. They loved it so much they decided to start a rock climbing club! We all know how kids are these days (amiright?) so we really appreciated all the kind words from the students:

“Climbing at the studio was great! It got me off of the couch and gave me a great workout. I am definitely going to get a membership and come back for more!” Sam C.

“Climbing is a super fun way to mentally and physically challenge myself. It’s both an independent sport and a community/team-building activity. It’s a great way to meet new people and de-stress after school!” Britney V.

“I have spent most of my school year sitting at home wishing I had something to do. I’ve always wanted to go rock climbing, but could never get my parents to get me there until we got a chance to try it for free with the group. I finally got a chance to get out of the house and do something fun with some friends. Thanks!” Ben F.

“Thank you so much! I absolutely loved rock climbing! My parents think it’s great that I am actually getting out of the house. I got a pull up bar and weights at home so that I can train when I am not at the climbing gym. Thank you for helping me discover a new passion!” Jack C.

We wish these students the best on their new path towards Sendtown. We could be witnessing the birth of a new Olympian! 

If you’d like to know more about our outreach events, contact us at (408) 998-4000.